educational purposes, the low vision student is typically one who reads print
and has a corrected visual acuity of 20/70 or worse in the better eye. Most low
vision students have very poor distance vision, so this makes it difficult for
them to see the chalkboard or to gather detailed information from filmstrips,
charts, or overhead screens. These students can usually read print and gain
information from pictures, charts, and graphs when the material is up close.
Each low vision student's needs are unique, but the following suggestions may
be helpful when working with a low vision student in the classroom.
General Facts Regarding Students with Low Vision:
- Using the eyes does not injure
or harm them. Encourage the student to use his/her eyes since greater
efficiency can only be developed through the use of the eyes for visual
tasks unless a doctor has indicated otherwise.
- The use of glasses cannot help
improve visual acuity for all eye conditions. Glasses may be worn to
reduce glare and help with fatigue.
- Some students can read ordinary
type with ease; others may require large print, a hand-held magnifier, or
a closed circuit TV.
- The visually impaired child
should be able to participate in most recreational activities except for
those that require good visual acuity. (i.e. dodgeball)
- Eyes cannot be
"strained" but may tire quickly. An activity that allows the
student to change focus is often helpful and appreciated.
- Holding materials close to the
eyes will not harm them. Allow the student to position materials at a
distance he/she chooses.
- Check the student's folder for
the modification sheet. This will tell the classroom teacher what specific
modifications need to be made in the classroom. Remember, these
modifications are REQUIRED, since they are written in the student's
Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Contact the teacher of the visually
impaired if you have questions or need suggestions for your particular
for the Classroom Teacher:
- Preferential seating is often
necessary for a student with low vision.
- Let the student select a seat
where he/she sees best
- Seat a student as close to the
board as practical
- Reduce glare from windows and
lights, as much as possible
- Seat the student with his/her
back to windows
- Read the student's Functional
Vision Evaluation to find out if this student can copy materials written
on the board or overhead projector.
- Purple dittos or
"fuzzy" Xerox copies should not be used with this student. Clear
contrast between the print and the background will help the student be
more successful.
- Black print on white paper is
usually best. If other modifications are required they should be contained
in the list of modifications handed out at the beginning of the semester
and in his/her Functional Vision Evaluation of the Special Education
- Contrast, print style, and
spacing of letters can be more important than print size.
- Low vision students may require
more time to complete assignment.
- Low vision students are usually
slow readers because of the visual impairment.
- Standardized tests that require
separate answer sheets may be especially difficult for a student to use.
Check modifications to see what procedure to use.
- Word games, puzzles and graphs
may be inappropriate for a low vision student. Check with the VI teacher
if you are unsure.
- Give the student the grade
he/she earns. Donating a grade to a student really hinders-not helps the
student's learning.
- Storing and using large print materials may be difficult for the student to manage in a classroom. Help the student find a place for books and supplies. Also, a locker may not be accessible if it has a combination lock.
A Low Vision Student:
- The emotional needs of a low
vision student are like those of any other. He/She wants to be liked by
teachers and peers. They do not want to be different!
- Schedule a time for a private
meeting with the child. This will allow the student to tell you about
seating preferences, lighting, and modifications that are helpful.
- Have the student explain
his/her visual problem to you.
- Try not to call attention to the
child's eye problem in front of the class.
- Always use the student's name
when addressing him/her.
- The rules of discipline should
be the same for a low vision student, as for any other, unless the IEP
states otherwise.
- So much of communication is
non-verbal. Often a student with low vision is unable to recognize the
expression on someone's face or figure out what has happened in a
situation that is nonverbal. It is helpful if the teacher privately
explains the situation to the student with low vision
- Be aware of the student's
frustration level since so much of learning and school is visual. It is
easy for a student with poor acuity to become frustrated.